eSUB Time for Web is an application that is integrated with the eSUB project management solution. Subscribers of the eSUB Time product will have the legacy Timecards module replaced with the eSUB Time interface. The eSUB Time interface can be reached by selecting the Timecard Management (Tm) icon anywhere in eSUB.
Table of Contents |
From the Timecard Log:
- Select Timesheet +
- (Optional) Select Copy Previous Week or Copy Previous Day and jump to this step to continue
- Select one of the following options:
- Enter Hours
- Enter Time In/Time Out
- Enter Indirect Costs (Jump to Enter Indirect/Overhead Costs section to continue)
- Select Project and choose the desired project
- (If applicable) Select System and choose the desired system
- (If applicable) Select Phase and choose the desired phase
- Select Cost Code and choose the desired cost code
- Select Employees, and choose the employee from the list (If using Batch Entry, jump to Batch Entry section to continue)
- Select Dates and choose the desired date (s)
- Follow the steps that correspond with the method that was selected in Step 2
If using Enter Hours | If using Enter Time In/Time Out |
- (Optional) Select Notes to enter a note on the timecard
- If creating multiple timecards, notes will be on every timecard
- Select Create Time Entries
- (Optional) Review the data and make changes as needed
- Sort the timecards by selecting either Date or Employee
- Edit the timecards as needed
- Select Create New Entries (3 dots button) to add additional timecard(s)
- Select Delete Entry to delete the timecard
- Select Remove Row to delete a single row
- Sort the timecards by selecting either Date or Employee
- Select the Submit button to finalize creation of the time card(s)
NOTE: Any timecards not yet submitted will be lost if the user navigates to a different page
Copy previous week or previous day
Copy Previous Week and Copy Previous Day options allow the user to copy all of the previous week or day’s timecards, respectively.
During timecard entry:
- Select the menu (three dots) button and select either Copy Previous Week or Copy Previous Day
- (Optional) Review the data and make changes as needed
- Sort the timecards by selecting either Date or Employee
- Edit the timecards as needed
- Select Create New Entries (3 dots button) to add additional timecard(s)
- Select Delete Entry to delete the timecard
- Select Remove Row to delete a single row
- Sort the timecards by selecting either Date or Employee
- Select the Submit button to finalize creation of the time card(s)
Batch Entry allows timecards to be created for multiple employees at once. To enter time for multiple employees:
During timecard entry:
- Select Select All or Deselect All to select all of the project employees or remove all of the project employees, respectively
- Select the employee’s name under the Employees field in order to remove the employee from the list
- Jump back to previous section to continue
Enter indirect/overhead costs (Example: Vacation, PTO, etc.)
From the Timecard Log:
- Select Timesheet +
- Select Enter Indirect Costs
- Select Search indirect costs and choose the desired overhead cost code
- Select Search Employees and choose the desired employee(s) from the list
- Select Choose aDate(s) and choose the desired date(s)
- Under ST, enter the desired number of hours
- (Optional) Select Notes and enter a note on the timecard
- Select Create Time Entries
- (Optional) Review the data and make changes as needed
- Sort the timecards by selecting either Date or Employee
- Edit the timecards as needed
- Select Create New Entries (3 dots button) to add additional timecard(s)
- Select Delete Entry to delete the timecard
- Select Remove Row to delete a single row
- Sort the timecards by selecting either Date or Employee
- Select Submit Time Entries to finalize creation of the time card(s)
From the Timecard Log:
- (Optional) Select the < or > icons to move the week backward or forward, respectively
- (Optional) Select the Calendar icon to jump to the desired week
- (Optional) Select Show Only Mine to only show the logged in user’s timecard(s)
- Select Group by Employee to group all timecards on a per-employee basis, or, select Group by Project to group all timecards on a per-project basis
- Each timecard shows an overview of hours for the week being viewed
- Select the (down arrow) icon to expand the list of daily timecards for the employee/project
Employees can sign their own timecards using the eSUB Time mobile app. See the steps here: eSUB Time for Mobile – Sign Timecard
From the eSUB Time module:
- Go to Utilities > Employee Timecards
- Select the Week Ending field or the Open Calendar (calendar) icon and choose the desired week ending date
- Select the desired employees in the Employee field:
- Select All Employees, or choose a single employee
- To select multiple employees, hold CTRL key while making selections
- Select the Select button to generate the timecards
- Select the desired View (magnifying glass) icon to see the timecard(s)
- Hover over each magnifying glass icon to see the associated tooltip
- The timecard(s) will open in a new browser tab
Time record detail provides a view of the following:
- Project name and number
- (If applicable) System and Phase
- Cost code
- Date
- (If applicable) Time in and Time out punches
- (If applicable) Break 1 and 2 in and out punches
- Hours worked (Standard time, Overtime, Double time)
- Timecard comments
- (If applicable) Punch in/out location
From the Timecard Log:
- Select the (down arrow) icon on the desired timecard
- Select the View (magnifying glass) icon under Details
- Select Save to save any changes
- Select Cancel to discard changes and return to previous page
Only time records created using the Punch In/Punch Out button on the eSUB Time and Kiosk apps will be eligible to display punch location pins. The app user must enable GPS location services on their mobile device, and must allow the Time app permissions to access GPS location data. Observe the following pin icon color indicators on the Timesheet Log:
Light grey pin : No project, punch in or punch out locations have been captured.
Dark grey pin: Punch in/out is within the project location radius (defined in Time Settings)
Red pin: Punch in/out is outside of the project location radius (defined in Time Settings)
Orange pin: Location error (one of the punch locations was not captured)
From the Timecard Log:
- Select the (down arrow) icon on the desired timecard
- Select the View (magnifying glass) icon under Details
- Select the (down arrow) icon on the Display Punch in/Punch out location field
- Select Save to save any changes
- Select Cancel to discard changes and return to previous page
From the Timecard Log:
- Select Print Timecard
- A print dialogue window will appear in your browser
- Landscape orientation is recommended
From the Timecard Log:
- Select the (down arrow) icon on the desired timecard
- Select the View (magnifying glass) icon under Details
- Select the comment field and begin typing the comment
- Select Send to apply the comment to the timecard
- Select Save to save any changes
- Select Cancel to discard changes and return to previous page
NOTE: The time record details page must be saved in order to retain any comments applied to it.
A user must first set up a PIN for timecard approval. Approving timecards allows for the timecard to be exported for payroll purposes on any projects with the Payroll Live setting enabled.
Related Articles: How do I set up my PIN for Timecard approval?
From the eSUB Time module:
- Select the check-box next to the timecard(s) to be approved
- (Optional) Select the check-box adjacent to the employee name to approve all timecards for the given week for that employee
- (Optional) Select the Select All Timecards check-box to approve all timecards for the given week for all employees
- (Optional) De-select any timecards that will not be approved
- Select Approve Time
- Enter the user’s timecard approval PIN and select Enter
- The timecards now display a status of Approved and may be signed by the end-user on the eSUB Time or eSUB Kiosk mobile application
A user level of Executive Administrator is required.
Related Articles:User Level Access Breakdown
From within the eSUB Time module:
- Go to Time > Export/Lock Payroll Data
- Enter the export criteria:
- Export File No: Enter the desired file number
- Project(s): Select All Projects or specific project(s)
- Starting Date: Select the start date of the payroll export
- Ending Date: Select the end date of the payroll export
- Select Export
- (Optional) Select the Download (arrow) icon to download the export file
Notification Types:
- Employee punches in/out outside of location parameters (Jump to section: View and manage timecard settings)
- Timecard comments
- Timecard has been signed
From the eSUB Time module:
- Select the Notification (bell) icon to view notifications
- (Optional) Select the notification to be redirected
Set up custom views (crew entry)
Up to five custom views/filters may be created per user profile.
From the Timecard Log:
- Select the Filter button
- Select the Name your view field and enter a name for the custom view
- Select the Select Employees field and choose the desired employee(s)
- Select the Select Projects field and choose the desired project(s)
- (Optional) Select Apply to apply the filter to the current timecard log view
- Select Save to save the filter for later use
- Select Close to discard changes and return to the previous page
Clear filter (view all timecards)
From the Timecard Log:
- Select the Filter button
- Select Show All Timecards
From the Timecard Log:
- Select the Filter button
- Select the Edit (pencil) icon adjacent to the filter being edited
- Make changes as needed
- (Optional) Select Apply to apply the filter to the current timecard log view
- Select Save to save the filter for later use
From the Timecard Log:
- Select the Filter button
- Select the Edit (pencil) icon adjacent to the filter being edited
- Select the Delete entry (red trash can) icon to delete the filter
- Select the Delete entry (red trash can) icon again to confirm deletion of the filter
View and manage timecard settings
From the eSUB Time module:
- Go to Time > Time Settings
- Make changes as needed:
- Week Ending Day: Select the drop-down menu and choose the desired week ending day setting
- Automatically switch daily time hours to OT after _ hours: Check the box to enable the setting, and enter the desired number of hours.
- Automatically switch weekly time hours to OT after _ hours: Check the box to enable the setting, and enter the desired number of hours.
- Show an alert on the Time Approval page when an employee punches in or out over _ miles away from the jobsite: Check the box to enable the setting, and enter the desired number of miles.
- Allow Time only users to edit time: Check the box to enable the setting. Time-enabled users will no longer be able to manually add time or to edit existing time records.
- Require users to enter injury information: Check the box to enable the setting. Users will be asked if they were injured upon punching out.
- Custom Acknowledgement (Require users to confirm): Check the box to enable the setting. You can enter any custom verbiage your company requires. I.e. ‘All Injuries (if any) have been reported to my supervisor’.
- Select Save to save any changes
- Select Cancel to discard changes and return to the previous page
From the eSUB Time module:
- Go to Reports > Select the desired report type:
- Hours Breakdown
- Labor Percent Complete Forecast
- Audit Labor Hours
- Weekly Timesheets (Total)
- Weekly Timesheet (by Project)
- Employee Timecards
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