Once added to the Equipment Log, the equipment will be available to track in a Daily Report, appear on a pick list in a Change Order or Purchase Order, or scheduled using Resource Management.
Users Who Can Access
Executive Administrator
New Equipment
- Go to Start > Settings > Administration
- Select Company Setup > Equipment
- Insert values in to the Add Equipment screen. RED fields are required.
- Click Save Data
Current Equipment
Optional field. Used to track each piece of equipment, if you have several of the same type.
Description of the equipment item.
Active items show on projects, Inactive items do not show on projects.
Edit Equipment
Edit icon next to the Equipment
- Update field values, where necessary
- Click Save Data
Inactivate Equipment
If a piece of equipment is no longer in use, it can be inactivated and will no longer appear on equipment lists throughout eSUB. Note - this does not delete the equipment from the database.
- Select the Active hyperlink next to equipment to inactivate the equipment
Active Equipment
Activate when you use a piece of equipment that has been inactivated.
- Set the Equipment Status drop-down option to "Inactive"
- Click Search For...
- Select Inactive hyperlink next to equipment
Display/Hide Equipment
- Select a project from the Select Project Screen.
- Go to the Project dropdown > Configure Project > Advanced Setup > Display/Hide Equipment
- Adjust the radio button from Display to Hide or vice versa.
Note: If there is a hyphen character "-" on the Hide column, the equipment has been used on the project and may not be hidden.
Equipment Usage Log
The Equipment Usage Log allows you to track equipment usage recorded in Daily Reports across all your projects. While it’s a powerful tool for managing equipment activity, please note that it does not calculate equipment costs.
To access the report:
- Go to Start > Corporate Management.
- Navigate to the Corporate tab.
Report Features:
- Filter by specific date ranges.
- Search through notes fields.
- Export data as a printable version or an Excel file.
- Data fields include:
- Project Number
- Project Name
- DR No. (Daily Report Number)
- Date
- Equipment Code
- Equipment Name
- Asset Type
- Hours
- Notes
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