The video below shows how to create and configure a project in eSUB. It reviews how to add a project, configure a project, initial project setup, and adding project contacts. Some of the configuration options include:
- Setting bid dollar amount (if project was set to any available "Bid" status)
- Entering project address for shipping and populating weather information
- Setting the default project address
- Editing milestones
- Customizing project defaults
- Entering contract amounts
- Set up of labor and material estimates
- Entering as-planned hours
- Displaying & hiding Cost Codes
- Changing project status
- Assigning project team members
- Adding project reminders
Adding a Project
Note: A User level of Project Manager or above is required to add and configure a project.
- Navigate to Start > Add Project
- Complete the following fields as necessary. Fields prompted in red and bolded are required.
- Copy from: Copies the city and state from projects marked as "Template Project"
- For more information on configuring a Template project see following article: Project Templates
- Parent Market Area: This is a required field only if you have enabled Market Areas or Divisions.
- Project Status: This field defaults to "Open", otherwise select the current status of the project.
- Project No: Enter your unique internal project identifier. Note: This may or may not be the contract number.
- Project Contract No: If necessary, enter a project contract number.
- Training Project: Check this box if the project is to be considered strictly for practice or use as a "sandbox". Note: Data in Training Projects are exempt from all Corporate Management calculations and summaries.
- Template Project: Check this box if you want to use this project as a template for future projects. Projects marked as "Template Projects" are eligible to be cloned via the Add Project page. A Project flagged as a Template Project is itself not affected in any way; it simply makes it available to clone. Cloned projects will reproduce the Template Project's system and phase hierarchy. (See Project Templates for more information)
- Project Name: Enter a descriptive name of the Project.
- Project Time Zone: Enter the project site's time zone.
- Address (line 1): Enter the project site's first line of address.
- IMPORTANT: This information will then appear in multiple places within eSUB - Project Summary (Web), Project Details (Field Works), My Schedule (eSUB Time), and as a delivery/shipment option on a Purchase Order. It also enables weather to auto-populate on Daily Reports and enables location alerts in eSUB Time
- Address (line 2): Enter the Project site's second line of address.
- City: Enter the Project site's city. Entering the city and state, or the zip/postal code, will populate weather on the Project Summary and Daily Reports.
- State / Province: Enter the project site's state or province. Entering the city and state, or the zip code, will populate weather on the Project Summary and Daily Reports.
- Zip / Post Code: Enter the project site's zip or postal code. Entering the city and state, or the zip/postal code, will populate weather on the Project Summary and Daily Reports.
- Country: Enter the project site's country.
- Office No: Enter the project site's office telephone number.
- Fax No: Enter the project site's facsimile number.
- Payroll Live: This must be checked in order to allow timecards to be included in the export file of Timecard Management.
- Pro Tip: To have Payroll Live default to checked, navigate to Company Setup > Accounting and check the "Default Payroll Live for new projects" box.
- Integrations: If you have PlanGrid, BIM360, or any of our accounting integrations, you will have additional options. Please contact Support if you have questions.
- Copy from: Copies the city and state from projects marked as "Template Project"
- Select SAVE DATA to finish completing the project.
- Once you save your project you will be taken to the Configure Project page.
Configuring a Project
Configure Project is where you can assign stakeholders such as contacts, users, and employees, enter cost estimates to set up budgets, assign important dates and milestones, and upload project files. Additionally, under Advanced Setup, you can edit project preferences, add System and Phase hierarchies, enter As-Planned dates and hours, and import estimates.
Here's more information for each key configuration item:
Add Contacts to Projects
Contacts are used to populate the "To" and "From" fields on documents. You need to assign both internal and external contacts in order to send or receive documents from them. They must have an email address populated to email the document from eSUB.
Selecting Add Contacts to Projects gives you the ability to "Add Contact" or check the box to assign an already existing contact to the project.
Edit Project Information
Upon initial project creation, you may navigate to this section to update or add any additional information necessary throughout the life of the project. Some common fields in this section include:
- Contract Sold By: Select the contact that sold the current project's contract.
- Select a contact for the following:
- Owner
- Architect
- Contractor
- Engineer
- Estimator
- Project Superintendent
- Project Manager
- Project Engineer
- Configure any PlanGrid or BIM 360 Docs Project Mapping/associations
- Comments: Add additional comments about this project.
Add Users to Project
Users are any team members who will be signing into eSUB either on the Web, Field Works app, or eSUB Time app. Add any user who will be actively involved in an administrative or management function. If you do not add users, they will not be able to see any information regarding that project in eSUB.
Add Employees for Timecards
Employees are any individuals who will be actively working on the scope of work and having any time tracked on a project. Add employees to a project if you want to track their hours in Daily Reports. The employee will appear in the Crew section of the Daily Report.
IMPORTANT: Individuals input as Employees in eSUB will not have login access to eSUB. They are only available to track labor hours to.
Display/Hide Cost Codes
There may be projects where you do not want to display all cost codes. You have the ability to display or hide each cost code that are applicable to a given project. If a cost code is hidden, it will not be available in drop downs to charge or track costs to for that specific project.
IMPORTANT: Cost codes cannot be hidden at the System or Phase level.
Add Job Cost Estimates
You have the ability to add job cost estimates for each cost code of your project. This will provide you with:
- Estimated Units: This is an optional field that can be turned on at the Company Level by an Executive Administrator user. To track units in Daily Reports navigate to Company Setup > Company Preferences > DRs > Documents and select Yes for "Include Unit Tracking".
- Estimated dollar budget amounts for each Cost Type (Labor, Material, Subcontractor, Equipment, Overhead, and Other)
- Total hours for Labor Cost Codes
- Percent of Total hours per Labor Cost Code (if using phases; total project hours for each phase)
Please note that if you use phases, each cost code will be duplicated under each respective phase to further organize your estimated costs for each phase.
Contract Amounts
Upon completing your estimated project's units, costs, and hours, you have the ability to indicate the total dollar value of the contract awarded by your project owner or general contractor. If you elect not to itemize your Job Cost Estimates in the manner as described above, you have the ability to hard-key your cost estimates into each of the fields for the respective cost types. Otherwise, any itemized job cost estimates you may have entered will automatically populate for the respective cost types. You will note that any automatically populated values will indicate that they have been "derived from Job Cost Estimates".
In order to accurately calculate your expected margin at project award, be sure to populate the field labeled "Original Contract Amount"
Project Milestones
Enter any estimated or actual Milestone dates for your project. Notes are mandatory if the Actual date exceeds the Estimated date. A calendar item or reminder may be set for each item. Please note, that you may edit the Milestone names and order in which they appear on any new projects in Administration > Company Setup > Milestone. Please refer to Managing Milestones for more information.
Project Files
This section allows you to add or manage all necessary project files. For more information on managing and customizing folders please refer to Project Files and Folders.
Advanced Setup
You may use this section as needed to further configure your project to allow for:
- Custom project letterhead and logo - if different from company logo and letterhead
- Setting defaults for Timecards - default work-week and week ending days
- Inputting default "Time On/Off Site" hours for Daily Report and Edit Windows for Daily Reports
- Setting project specific markups for CORs
- Various text formatting features
- Configuring project systems and phases
- Entering As-Planned Hours
Please contact support if you require any additional assistance regarding Advanced Project Setup.
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