After installing the eSUB Quickbooks connector click on the Configuration tab to enter in your eSUB credentials and save the configuration. Next click on start synchronization to establish the connection between eSUB and the Quickbooks connector.
Login to eSUB and go to your project preferences under the project setup menu and enter the customer / job name. The account name will be reflected on your Quickbooks PO’s and the Items will be linked to your Pay App’s. Be sure to save your data. Next navigate to the project PO log and make sure that the Quickbooks sync is enabled for the PO.
Open up the eSUB Quickbooks connector again and start the synchronization process over. This will start the process of pulling down any new PO’s or Pay App’s. The eSUB PO total will write directly into the amount due section of a Quickbooks bill as detailed in the video
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